Who is this program for?

Do not waste another day feeling worse than you should! Request a Free Discovery Call today and I will give you steps you can start taking right away!

People who want to prevent or manage chronic conditions, lose weight, get fit, get out of pain, and have more energy. Age doesn’t mean inevitable decline as it did in years past. Thanks to technology, we have so much more knowledge about aging and are constantly learning more! You are accepted where ever you may be on your health journey, and I help you get to where you want to be with sustainable lifestyle changes that make a big difference. You will improve your HEALTHSPAN and not just your lifespan. This program is not a fad or trend, just solid changes that will make a difference in your life, guaranteed!

The program

Know more

Functional Patterns

New research shows that how we move affects how we feel. Moving correctly for your body or what your body can safely handle has long-term consequences for managing illnesses and stress. You will be exposed to several different exercise and mobility techniques to ensure you get the increased strength and endurance you want with the pain-free movement you need.

What is Functional Patterns?

Functional Patterns helps your body move better and feel less pain by fixing bad posture and movement habits. Instead of just lifting weights or running, this method uses special stretches and exercises to make your body work like it's supposed to. It's great for people who want to move easily and stay healthy, especially if they sit a lot or have aches and pains from not moving the right way.

Learn about Functional Patterns

Functional Diagnostic Nutrition

There is a gap between the information you get from your doctor and true health that our current medical system does not cover. Health Coaching is that bridge. Considering your current lifestyle habits and symptoms, we build a plan together to cross the bridge. You are different from your neighbor, so your program will also differ. All programs take diet, rest, stress, toxin load, and exercise into consideration.

Health & Wellness Coaching

Poor lifestyle choices can be linked to obesity, hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, gout, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue and many other maladies.

If you already endure any of the above or other health difficulties, it is imperative that you look at changes to your diet and lifestyle that can help you to restore your health.

We will work together to look at your current eating, exercise, lifestyle and sleep habits, and stress. Whatever it is that you feel you need help with and discuss gradual changes you can make that will lead you to your ideal weight and restore as well as maintain peak health and wellness.


I’m Dawn Giammalvo and I support busy people by helping them rebuild themselves healthier and stronger from the inside out. I have an extensive background within the fitness industry, health coaching, nutrition, and functional lab testing. I am able to give you access to functional lab testing to find healing opportunities on the inside while training your body to be stronger and more resilient on the outside.

This is a new model in the wellness industry. No longer will you have to go to your gym for your workouts, see a separate professional to help you lose weight, or wonder whereto go when you feel like the medical system isn’t really listening to what you think is wrong. At Fitlosophy, you can get multiple needs met in one place. You are busy, you do not have time to continue the cycle of trial and error.

This may all seem like a lot and maybe a little overwhelming, change can sometimes feel that way. Your program will be designed for you and you alone. You will be supported, cheered on, and held accountable so that you reach your health and fitness goals faster than you thought possible.

If you are ready to take a deeper look into your health and fitness to finally solve your biggest complaint, or if you are looking to age gracefully and increase your healthspan and not only your lifespan, then let’s talk! Schedule your complimentary Discovery Call today!

Request an Appointment


We will have a complimentary Discovery Call to get to know each other. You will have the opportunity to tell me what is going on and why you are thinking of working with me. This call is usually takes around 30 minutes, but I block out an hour so that you have plenty of time to get all your questions answered.


We will do a postural and fitness assessment to determine what effects your posture and movement dysfunctions may be having on your well-being. It is a well researched fact that your posture plays a role in not only pain you may be aware of, but it also plays a role in your mental state, your nervous system functioning, and your bodily processes.

There will also be a series of lab tests and questionnaires that are used to uncover hidden stressors and identify healing opportunities. Some labs are easily done at home and others require a trip to a lab for a blood draw. The questionnaires and assessments are what help me determine the specific labs needed to help you reach your goals.


Using the results from the lab tests, we can identify areas where your body may not be functioning in peak condition. These areas may include:

1. Food sensitivities that are causing inflammation in the body, even if your digestion seems fine.
2. How well your body is handling stress, or not as the case may be.
3. What your hormone levels look like. Stress and inflammation can wreak havoc on how well our bodies are able to make hormones.
4. How well your digestion is happening and the health of your gut.
5. How well your liver is processing the toxins that we are all exposed to everyday.
6. What your nutrient deficiencies may be and the effect that has on your other bodily systems.


We work together to come up with a doable plan for your life. You are supported every step of the way and held accountable, because only you can reach your goals. We will meet over video every two weeks to check in and adjust the plan as necessary, but you will always have access to the portal where you can see your current action steps, supplement plan, meal plan, lab results, chat with me, and see data from your wearables – all in one convenient place. No more checking multiple apps or websites for the information you need!

Get started
1 posture and physical assessment
11 -  50–minute exercise sessions using various modalities and equipment. In person is best but can be accomplished over video.
MRT food sensitivity testing, education, and analysis
Stress and Hormone test which measures your cortisol, sex hormone levels and initial immune system response.
Gut function testing that checks for pathogens in the gut, the health of your microbiome, gluten sensitivity, and immunity health markers.
Metabolic Wellness panel that measures key markers of digestion, detoxification, and oxidative stress
Mucosal Barrier assessment that checks key markers of a “leaky gut” as well as gut and whole-body inflammatory markers
Micronutrient testing to determine your current levels so personalized and appropriate supplements can be recommended.
1 – 90-minute results review and DRESS recommendations session to go over your food-based test results
1 – 90-minute results review for all other testing, supplement recommendation review, and goal setting
45-minute health coaching sessions and new DRESS checklist to follow before next session
1 – Complimentary 45 min reassessment at 90 days
1 – Complimentary 45 min reassessment at 6 months
1 Free year of Theia biodata tracking and 1 continuous glucose monitor

*Optional/Additional a la carte lab tests, exercise sessions, and post-program follow up session with all packages.

Questions or ready to get started?

Hop on a discovery call with me.

I'm happy to answer all of your questions.
Book a Complimentary Discovery Call

What is a Health Coach?

Health and wellness coaches partner with clients seeking self-directed, lasting changes, aligned with their values, which promote health and wellness and, thereby, enhance well-being. In the course of their work health and wellness coaches display unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief in their capacity for change, and honoring that each client is an expert on his or her life while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.

What’s The Big Deal About A National Certification for Health Coaching?

Coaching has been around for a long time, there are sports coaches, career coaches, life coaches, and nutrition coaches, and in the past 10 years health coaches have come on the scene. There were never any guidelines as to who could call themselves a coach. You can choose to coach your child’s baseball team and suddenly you are a coach.

Black Friday through Cyber Monday Gifties and Discounts!

I am frequently asked what are my favorite products because my clients and friends know that I have been trying to clean up all the things I use in my home as well as what I put in and on my body for years now. I am always trying new products, but all of the products listed below are tried and true favorites. I hope you enjoy checking these out and hopefully get some Christmas shopping done as well!


Gain a fresh perspective on healthy living.

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